Know thesecrucial tips to win online casino with practical examples

It is very important to know some technical aspects of poker99 slot machines if you want to make money on them. Have you ever read Return to player but you have not entertained in looking for what it really means, it is very important as it will indicate whether you can succeed or not in an online slot. All online casinos are obliged to stipulate it in their games so that the users’ gaming experience is fair.It will be understood much better if we explain it with an example.


For example, you have entered $ 100 in the casino and start playing for 1 hour. After that time, you will finish your game session with $ 200 in your account. This means that the return to player in that slot has been 200%. This statistic is totally unpredictable as it changes constantly, normally the value will always stabilize between 92% and 98%.

Avoid bets that significantly reduce RTP

Online casinos mostly have the same amount of RTP for each kind of bets. Thus, a few games come from traditional online slot machines may add disadvantage to certain types of gambling. In this case, it is important to choose the type of bet that does not present disadvantages.

Example no. One

Betting on the three prize lines costs 2 cents and betting on one prize line costs 1 cent. It is quite evident that betting on single line surely has big disadvantage because the RTP will definitely be low. This is why you must always choose the 2 cent bet.


Use the double bet function to regulate volatility

The double bet function (red / black) offers the possibility of doubling the prize with a 50% probability. In some games such as Judi kartu online, this can be done several times in a row (up to 13). This function significantly increases the volatility of the game. From a long-term perspective, it’s like changing many small prizes for higher but less frequent prizes.

Example no. Two

Without using the double bet function, you could win 40 times, at the rate of $ 1 per play. However, using the double bet function up to three times, you could win 5 times, at the rate of $ 8 per play. The expected long-term value is the same, but the individual awards are larger. If your goal is to win big, the double bet function is exactly what you need. It is very predictable and easy to simulate.

Reduce the number of award lines to increase volatility

Did you know that if you define the game with a prize line, instead of ten, it is very likely that the game’s volatility is 5 to 10 times higher? If you bet $ 2 on one line, the average prizes will be much higher than if you bet $ 0.20 on 10 lines. When betting on 10 lines simultaneously, the payout table prizes are 10 times smaller. Normally, in most slots, the winning combination only comes out in one of the 10 lines.